Latest Past Events

Mortimer Baby and Toddler Group

Mortimer Methodist Church Hall 17 West End Road, Mortimer Common

Mortimer Toddlers runs every Tuesday morning in term time, 10:00-11:30 am at Mortimer Methodist Hall, RG7 3TB. £2.50 for the first child per family and then 50p per additional child over 12 months

Mortimer Baby and Toddler Group

Mortimer Methodist Church Hall 17 West End Road, Mortimer Common

Mortimer Toddlers runs every Tuesday morning in term time, 10:00-11:30 am at Mortimer Methodist Hall, RG7 3TB. £2.50 for the first child per family and then 50p per additional child over 12 months

Mortimer Baby and Toddler Group

Mortimer Methodist Church Hall 17 West End Road, Mortimer Common

Mortimer Toddlers runs every Tuesday morning in term time, 10:00-11:30 am at Mortimer Methodist Hall, RG7 3TB. £2.50 for the first child per family and then 50p per additional child over 12 months

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